Page 6 - Green Builder Magazine March 2015 Issue
P. 6



        News About Sustainability Issues and Green Products

Largest All-Geothermal Community
in the U.S. Breaks Ground
  Norton Commons, a Traditional
  Neighborhood Development in
  Kentucky, will rely solely on

Ngeothermal heating and cooling.
                      ORTON COMMONS’S NORTH Village, a
                     residential community in Louisville, Kentucky,
                     is slated to become the largest all-geothermal
                     development in the country. All 1,800 lots are
                     being pre-drilled with geothermal borehole fields.
                        Aurora, Indiana-based Bucher Services
   has begun drilling borehole fields, and expects to complete
   125 lots this spring. Standard lots will include two 400-foot
   boreholes; larger lots will include three. Corken Steel Products
   Company, a partner and distributor for ClimateMaster Inc.,
   will provide the heat pump units.
      Norton  Commons is  Louisville’s first Traditional
   Neighborhood Development (TND). The cornerstone of the
   new urbanism movement, TNDs promote the creation and
   restoration of diverse, walkable mixed-use communities. Once
   completed, Norton Commons will include its own town center 03.2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CREDIT: CLIMATEMASTER
                                                                         Ground-Breaking. Standard lots will supply two to three
                                                                         tons of heating and cooling capactiy.

                                                                         with restaurants, retail shopping and other commercial space.
                                                                         The development chose geothermal heating and cooling for
                                                                         several reasons, including energy savings, improved comfort
                                                                         and reduced environmental impact. Using appropriately
                                                                         sized geothermal heat pumps also keeps bulky, noisy air-
                                                                         conditioning units from taking up valuable outdoor space.

                                                                         For more information on the new North Village development,

Wastewater Can Power Its Own Purification
Researchers from Scandinavian research
organization SINTEF demonstrate                                          release energy in the form of electrons. Netzer and Colmenares
bacteria-powered fuel cells that clean                                   searched for a species of bacteria which could not only
water and generate electricity.                                          consume the waste products, but transfer electrons to a metal
                                                                         electrode. The process generates small amounts of electricity—
Huge amounts of energy are used to treat and purify water—in the         enough to drive a small fan, sensor or light-emitting diode. The
U.S., as much as 5 percent of all energy generated. But wastewater       wastewater, which comes from a local dairy, is rich in organic
actually contains energy in the form of organic materials, which         acids, but other sources would work just as well.
could be harvested and used in the purification process, itself.
                                                                            In the future, the researchers hope to scale up and use the
   Researchers Luis Cesar Colmenares and Roman Netzer with               energy to power the water purification process. A microbial fuel
SINTEF, Scandinavia’s largest independent research group, have           cell could also be used to produce hydrogen in almost the same
done just that, creating a demonstration plant of “microbiological       way. These promising results were achieved as part of a SINTEF
fuel cells” powered by bacteria. As the organisms consume                research project called “Greener than Green.”
the organic material—thereby cleaning the wastewater—they
                                                                         Source: SINTEF
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